Faculty of Pharmacy,Tehran University of Medical Sciences--德黑兰医科大学药学院




  Tehran University is the oldest and the highest ranked academic center in Iran. When established in 1934, Pharmacy and Dentistry were jointly managed by the College of Medicine. At that time, pharmacy students would complete their studies in 3 years and required to hold high school diploma as a requirement. Since 1939, the pharmacy program changed to a 4-year program and a PharmD degree has been approved to be granted to the graduates. In 1956, the Faculty of Pharmacy was separated from the Faculty of Medicine and a 5-year PharmD program was established for this major.

  Since 1986 PhD programs have been started at the faculty of pharmacy, currently there are 10 PhD programs and one specialty are available at the faculty of pharmacy: Drug and Food Control, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Toxicology and Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Biomaterials, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical nanotechnology, Radiopharmacy, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Administration and Clinical pharmacy.